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Sap Gui Client For Mac

caulanrati1975 2020. 11. 27. 00:56

Jan 26, 2014  In this video tutorial, we demonstrate how to install SAP GUI (Java) on Mac (OS X Mavericks). The same steps are likely going to work with other versions of SAP GUI and Mac. FROM MAC OS i want to access SAP 500 Client. I am able to log on 001 client but not other client. No issue with JAVA related GUI reason is that i am able to access 001client.

SAP logon
Developer(s)SAP SE
Written inC, C++
Operating systemMicrosoft Windows, Java Virtual Machine
Licenseproprietary software

SAPGUI is the GUI client in SAP ERP's 3-tier architecture of database, application server and client. It is software that runs on a Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh or Unixdesktop, and allows a user to access SAP functionality in SAP applications such as SAP ERP and SAP Business Information Warehouse (now called SAP Business Intelligence). It is the platform used for remote access to the SAP central server in a company network.

  • 4Single sign-on


  • SAP GUI for the Windows environment and Apple Macintosh
  • SAP GUI for the Java(TM) environment
  • SAP GUI for HTML / Internet Transaction Server (ITS)
    • Requires Internet Explorer or Firefox as a browser; other browsers are not officially supported by SAP.

Microsoft Windows releases[edit]

ReleaseRelease dateLatest patchEnd of lifeFeatures
1.0First 'GUI' for SAP software; no graphical elements like checkboxes, radiobuttons and icons
1.1Field length indicated by background colors; fast paths in menus
2.0New GUI for Windows 3.1; System and Application Toolbar added; icons in System Toolbar
2.1New graphical elements: checkboxes, radiobuttons, group boxes and push buttons on screen
3.0Table control introduced; icons added to buttons
3.11996Windows95-look with flat buttons; tabstrip control and ABAP List Viewer (ALV) introduced
4.0Screens contain more information to reduce navigation
4.5Active X elements introduced; ALV is now based on grid control
4.6DJuly 2000GUI is re-designed; multiple-areas are introduced to reduce need for screen changes
6.10July 2001
6.20March 2002December 31, 2010
6.40June 2004December 31, 2010Unicode support extended; accessibility and usability improved
7.10February 2007April 12, 2011Support for Microsoft Vista and Office 2007; new 'Tweak SAP GUI' tool; new ABAP front-end editor
7.20April 201017 (final)April 09, 2013[1]Support for Windows XP; Windows 2003 Server; Windows Vista; Windows 2008 Server; Windows 7 and Office 2010; Built with Visual Studio 2008[2]
7.30June 201215July 15, 2015Usability enhancements; new customization features; built with Visual Studio 2010
7.40October 201418January 9, 2018Replaces Corbu with Blue Crystal; integrates SAP GUI for Windows 7.40 and Netweaver Business Client 5.0
7.50May 201711April 9, 2019
7.60February 20191.1April 12, 2022Introduces Belize theme, aligning GUI's visual design with the rest of SAP's Fiori applications. Retires Enjoy / Streamline / Tradeshow / SystemDependent themes.

Java releases – for other operating systems[edit]

ReleaseRelease dateLatest patchEnd of lifeFeatures
7.10October 200721
7.20December 200910January 31, 2013Supported OS – openSUSE, Fedora Core, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, AIX, OS X Lion, Fedora, Ubuntu
7.30December 201210March 31, 2015
7.40December 201413March 31, 2018
7.50July 20172June 30, 2019

Single sign-on[edit]

SAPGUI on Microsoft Windows or Internet Explorer can also be used for single sign-on. There are several portal-based authentication applications for single sign-on. SAPGUI can have single sign-on with SAP Logon Ticket as well. Single sign-on also works in the Java GUI.[3]

Criticism of using SAPGUI for authentication to SAP server access[edit]

SAP is a distributed application, where client software (SAPGUI) installed on a user's workstation is used to access the central SAP server remotely over the company's network. Users need to authenticate themselves when accessing SAP. By default, however, SAP uses unencrypted communication, which allows potential company-internal attackers to get access to usernames and passwords by listening on the network. This can expose the complete SAP system, if a person is able to get access to this information for a user with extended authorization in the SAP system. Information about this feature is publicly accessible on the Internet.

SAP Secure Network Communications[edit]

SAP offers an option to strongly protect communication between clients and servers, called Secure Network Communications (SNC).[4]


In total, the vendor has released 25 security patches (aka SAP Security Notes). One of the most notorious vulnerabilities was closed among the set of fixes released in March 2017. The vulnerability in the SAP GUI client for Windows allows remote code execution[5]. Also, researchers who identified the security issues pointed out that the vulnerability allows an attacker to download ransomware on the SAP server that would be automatically installed on every workstation within a company[6].

Does anyone know of any Mac GUI ssh tunelling clients that are capable of this? Is there a GUI ssh tunneling client for mac that supports jump servers? I have tried: • coachilla • SSH tunnel manager • Tunnelblick tunneling manually through terminal is fine, but time consuming and I have hundreds of servers I have to log into and it is much easier if I can use a client. All the clients I have found work, but they can't handle jumping through jump host first and then server. Mulitple hops? Mac ssh tunnel command line.

Screen editing with Personas[edit]

Since 1998 SAP GUI screens (so-called 'DynPros') can be adjusted and customized with GuiXT. Now this can also be achieved with 'SAP Screen Personas'. Personas is installed on one of the SAP NetWeaver ABAP 7.0x or 7.3x servers in the system landscape. Then it can be used on all SAP NetWeaver ABAP servers with a kernel of 7.21 or higher, including on NetWeaver ABAP 7.11 systems (on which Personas cannot be installed directly).

iOS and Android implementations[edit]

Native iOS and Android implementations of SAP GUI are available from GuiXT.

See also[edit]


  1. ^'Lifetime and Support Matrix for SAP GUI for Windows'. Retrieved July 22, 2018.Cite web requires |website= (help)
  2. ^'Supported SAP GUI platforms'. April 25, 2018. Retrieved July 22, 2018.Cite web requires |website= (help)
  3. ^'Single Sign-on for SAP Java GUI'. January 10, 2009. Retrieved July 22, 2018.Cite web requires |website= (help)
  4. ^'Secure Network Communications (SNC)'. Retrieved July 22, 2018.Cite web requires |website= (help)
  5. ^Michael Mimoso (March 22, 2017). 'SAP Vulnerability Puts Business Data at Risk for Thousands of Companies'. Threatpost | The first stop for security news. Retrieved July 22, 2018.
  6. ^'Can SAP Be Affected By Ransomware? | SAP Cyber Security Solutions'. erpscan.com. Retrieved July 22, 2018.

External links[edit]

  • SAP Support Portal (User-ID required).
  • SAP GUI history. SAP User Experience Community.
  • SAP GUI Community with discussions (forums), a blog, documents and more.
  • SAP Netweaver Capabilities - User Interface Technology with discussions (forums), a blog, documents and more.
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=SAPgui&oldid=906203879'

Email client for mac. On this page:

Before You Begin

  • Mac OS X 10.8 or higher
  • Ensure that you have Administrator privileges on the system.
  • Ensure that you have 350 MB free on your computer's hard drive.
  • If you are logged into SAPgui, log off and 'Quit' the SAPgui application.
  • If you have an SAP folder on your hard drive within the Applications folder, make a note of the name of the folder. You will be able to revert to the prior version if necessary.

Pre-Installation Instructions

A. SAPgui and Kerberos Tickets

Acquire Kerberos tickets. Tickets are required to connect to SAP systems

  1. SAPgui may bring up the Ticket Viewer to prompt you to obtain Kerberos tickets. If not:
    • You may see an error mentioning 'GSS-API'
    • SAPgui may stall at 'Connecting..'
    • Your SAPgui session may freeze.
      All of these behaviors mean that either you do not have Kerberos tickets, or your Kerberos tickets have expired. To resolve that issue, use the instruction below to get tickets manually.
  2. How to get Kerberos tickets manually
    • Launch Kerberos Ticket Viewer (Applications > Utilities > Ticket Viewer).
    • Enter your Kerberos username (the first part of your @mit.edu email address), and your Kerberos password (the password used to check your @mit.edu email).

NOTE: Your Kerberos tickets will last for 10 hours only, and have to be manually renewed if you wish to remain in SAP longer. If you do wish to remain in SAP longer than 10 hours, it's a good idea to renew them at least 20 minutes or so before they expire.

B. Ensure Kerberos Extras is installed

Download and install Kerberos Extras.

Sap Gui 750 For Mac

C. Install Oracle Java 8 JDK

Note: SAPgui 7.40 for Mac requires Oracle Java 8 JDK. Go to Oracle's download page to download Java SE Development Kit 8 for Mac OS X. An Oracle account is required to download Java 8 JDK.You'll receive the prompt to create an account once you select the correct JDK version.

  1. Double-click on the JDK Installer package.
    Result: The installer opens.
  2. Click Continue to begin the Oracle Java JDK installer.
    Result: The Destination Select window opens.
  3. To install for all users of the computer, click Continue.
    Result: The Installation Type window opens.
  4. For a standard install, click Install.
    Result: You are prompted for your administrator password.
  5. Enter the administrator credentials and click Install Software.
  6. The installation will execute.
  7. Once installation is complete, click Close to finish the installation.

Torrent Client For Mac

SAPGUI 7.40 rev 2 Installation Instructions

Follow the on-screen instructions and accept all default values to complete the install.

  1. Download the SAPgui7.40.2 installer
    Result: The installer, SAPgui-7.40.2.dmg, should now be in your Downloads folder, or on the Desktop.
  2. Double-click SAPgui-7.40.2.dmg.
    Result: The dmg opens and displays the installer.
  3. Click on the installer icon, SAPgui_signed.pkg
    Result: The Install SAPgui_signed window appears.
  4. Click Continue.
    Result: The Destination Select window appears.
  5. Select your destination, usually your computer's hard drive.
    Result: The Installation Type window appears.
  6. For a standard install, click Install.
  7. When prompted, enter the Administrator password for the computer and click Install Software.
    Result: SAPgui will install and show you an Installation Complete message.
  8. Installation is now complete. Click Close.

First Use

  1. Navigate on your Macintosh Hard Drive to Applications > SAP Clients > SAPGUI > SAPGUI.
  2. Drag SAPGUI to the dock for easy launch.
  3. Double-click SAPGUI or click the SAP icon in the dock.
    Result: SAP Logon pad launches.
    NOTE: If 'Connections' does not have an option for SAP System 'ACP SAP GRC Production', send an email to the Help Desk.
  4. Double-click Production to log in to SAPgui.
    NOTE: If the splash screen stalls at 'Connecting..', see SAPgui and Kerberos Tickets.
  5. When connecting for the first time to Production, you may see a pop-up selection box. If it appears, select Productive: Fully Trusted. Needs access to local resources, then click OK. It should look like this:?

How To Download Sap Gui

If SAPgui remains unresponsive after getting new tickets, you may need to 'Force Quit' the application.

Sap Gui Client Mac Download

  1. Follow the menu path Apple > Force Quit.
    Result: A popup window appears with a list of applications.
  2. Select SAPGUI.
  3. Press Force Quit.
  4. Press Force Quit again to confirm.