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Best Free Vnc Client For Mac

caulanrati1975 2020. 12. 14. 11:58

Splashtop is an interesting option as it doesn’t utilize a standard form of VNC, so before purchasing this app, make sure to install the Splashtop Streamer app which is free for both Mac and PC. Because of this proprietary form of VNC, depending on your connection, Splashtop allows you to stream HD videos and even play 3D games remotely from another Mac. Mac VNC client (for controlling Mac Mini remotely)? Ask Question. If that is correct, which (preferably free) VNC client is best suited for this job? Anything else I should know? Update: While the OS X built-in VNC client is the quickest solution. For a future reader looking for a Mac VNC client, I suggest you try out the 3 top options.

  1. Vnc For Mac
  2. Tightvnc
  3. Best Free Vnc Client For Mac
Active2 months ago

I have a number of FreeBSD servers, and I'd like to put VNC server software on them, then access them from a Mac running OS X 10.9.5.

I really don't want to have to access them from a virtual windows machine running on the MAC :-(

A web search for 'mac vnc client' produces zero useful hits. (I don't want remote access to the mac.)

My memory is that Apple had a built in client with a non-obvious name, perhaps 'screen', which they 'fixed' a few releases ago to only work if the VNC server was itself from Apple, running on a Mac. Perhaps they have since unfixed it.

I once used 'chicken of the vnc', which was flaky on whatever OS X release I had 2 years ago. I also used another non-apple client from that Mac, which was flaky in different ways. (The built in app was unusable.) Atheros wifi driver mac os x. https://yellowatlanta763.weebly.com/chota-bheem-games-for-android-mobile-free-download.html.

IIRC, I was using 'Tightvnc' or 'Realvnc' on my servers at that time, which had worked fine with the first random windows-based VNC client I tried.

All I've heard about so far are https://spirefed.weebly.com/dell-inspiron-1525-user-manual-download.html.

  • 'screen sharing app' from apple, possibly pre-installed on the mac,name and location unknown
  • a client from realvnc that runs in the chrome browser (ugh!)

When referring to OS X releases, please use release numbers in your answers, not just names of cats - or else link to a page that translates the cat names to release numbers. I don't have Apple's release code names memorized.

[Update, after first answer received: alternativeto.net is a great source for finding software of this type. I now have tigervnc running on one server and on the Mac client. No flakiness so far, but the Mac client for tigervnc seems unwilling to let me connect to multiple servers at the same time, and Mac's GUI interface seems unwilling to let me launch multiple copies of the client program. So still looking for alternatives, but making progress.

Still trying to figure out how to invoke the client built into OSX - it's not at the path I found on the net, /System/Library/CoreServices/Applications Looks like I need to know the right invocation to feed to Finder, which doesn't have anything like a button labelled 'screen sharing'. I did find a menu item labelled 'connect to server', but that just gives me connection failures, perhaps because it's defaulting a URI type of afp:// which probably has nothing to do with vnc - or perhaps because the tool is unrelated to vnc.]

Arlie Stephens
Arlie StephensArlie Stephens
4101 gold badge5 silver badges14 bronze badges

7 Answers

The built-in VNC client with OS X works just great with most VNC servers I've tried on FreeBSD. I've mostly been using TigerVNC from ports (seems to be the fastest with OS X's VNC client), and the only issue I have is when I restart the VNC server while connected to it. The OS X VNC client will reconnect (great!) but it sizes the window oddly, and I can't resize it. Since scaling is turned on, this usually results in a small screen that cannot be read. Just restart the VNC client (or close the window and open a new connection, if you've got multiple connections open), and it's all OK again.

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Since I have xterms open all the time on my mac, I generally do it like so:

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where <port> is the TCP port on which the server is running.

E.g. if it's :1, you'd use 5901 as <port>. You can even install the avahi port, and set up a service, so the VNC session shows up in Finder (although there's a Finder preference to change to make them show up since OS X 10.8, IIRC), just like a Mac that has 'screen sharing' enabled (i.e. it's running a VNC server).

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You can connect to remote Linux machines with your Mac's built-in vnc client.

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  1. Setup the vnc server on the remote Linux machine.

  2. On your Mac, go to Finder. Press cmd+K or Go > Connect to Server.

  3. In the Server Address, enter vnc://{HOST}:{PORT}. For example vnc://linux.myhost.com:5901.

A VNC session will be connected to the remote Linux machine with the Screen Sharing application.


What you are looking for is the built in Screen Sharing app which resides in System/Library/CoreServices. It can connect to most VNC servers and is slightly faster than other options such as RealVNC. Wake on lan windows 10.


Vnc For Mac

Real VNC or VNC Viewer are the same client (aside from platform) as used on Windows PCs for decades. OS X is designed to work with VNC protocol out of the box.

As an added bonus, Real VNC is available as a free iOS app.

The only real concerns you should have in using it are security hardening, ie restricting access to specific IP addresses or users.



I don't have a lot of recent experience with VNC on the Mac but if you look at this (on stackexchange.com) it will explain how to connect to another client via the O/S X VNC server.

Rsa securid software download mac. Apple's version is called Remote Desktop, the commercial version is just Apple Remote Desktop and really designed to manage Macs. I've used the latter but never tried to connect to a strictly VNC client. Not sure if it is possible.

Steve ChambersSteve Chambers
16.5k2 gold badges20 silver badges43 bronze badges

If you go to the RealVNC website and choose 'Download > Viewer' you get a native OSX app that works nicely for me. I'm not exactly sure about the licensing terms, but going through 'Products > Product Selector' on the homepage seems to indicate that the Viewer is free (while the Server is licensed).

Free vnc client for mac. VNC Server or Enabling Screen Sharing. The VNC Server is the application running on the computer, or device, which screen is being shared. This can be your Mac, a Windows or Linux PC, or even an Android tablet, or iPhone (jailbreak needed to run Veency, the VNC server for iOS). Vinagre Default GNOME VNC client supporting RDP since 2012 Ulteo Open Virtual Desktop (guide to get source code ) VirtualBox has a built-in vRDP protocol that can be used to access GNU/Linux remote desktops (Linux distro usually lacks a RDP server). Feb 02, 2015  To connect a VNC client to a VNC server, you need to know the name or the IP address of the computer you'll connect to, and the port or display number of its VNC server. By convention, port numbers start at 5,900 and go up, so a computer that shared three different desktops would normally listen on ports 5,900, 5,901 and 5,902.

The built-in Apple Screen Sharing works nicely too, although I experienced hangs with xterm on the remote (tracked as 'linux xterm problem' in Apple Support Communities). The built-in is accessible from Safari through vnc://hostname in the address bar. If launched once, you can right-click on the icon in the dock and choose Options > Keep in Dock for easy access.

The 'Chicken' VNC did not work for me at all.

Martin OMartin O

Showbox free download for android tv box. The best explanation I've seen for how to use apple's 'screen' as a vnc client is at http://www.davidtheexpert.com/post.php?id=5

He seems unaware of the period when apple had broken compatibility with non-apple VNC servers, but other than that his instructions seem great, and work beautifully on OS X El Capitan Version 10.11.6. (I'm no longer on 10.9.5)

Arlie Stephens

Best Free Vnc Client For Mac

Arlie Stephens
4101 gold badge5 silver badges14 bronze badges

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