Gotoassist Client For Mac
1Join a Support Session
While on your Mac desktop, you can join a support session using the Support URL or Support Key provided by your agent in various ways. However, your experience joining the support session will depend on whether the GoToAssist Opener 'helper' application has been installed previously.
Gotoassist remote support free download - GoToAssist, GoToAssist Remote Support, GoToAssist (Remote Support), and many more programs. Best Video Software for the Mac How To Run MacOS High. GoToAssist offers excellent IT support tools that are perfect for small businesses. The free version is a 30-day, full-featured trial if you provide your credit card information and a 14-day. HELP FILE Use the GoToAssist Expert Desktop App (Mac) Agents can download and install the GoToAssist Expert desktop application for Mac to host attended and unattended support sessions with customers on their computer. Once installed, agents can launch the application to see the GoToAssist Viewer, where they can see the customer's screen and use the options in the Viewer toolbar to.
Joining from a Windows computer? Check out the Customer Guide for Windows.
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- If it's your first time joining a session, you will be prompted to download the GoToAssist Opener 'helper' application. Once installed, the GoToAssist Customer application will launch, and you will be joined with the agent in a support session.
- If you've joined a session before and have previously installed the GoToAssist Opener 'helper' application, the GoToAssist Customer application will launch you directly into a support session with the agent.
- Support Key
- Go to
- Enter your name and Support Key.
- Click Continue to download and run the 'helper' application, or be launched immediately into session.
- Email
- Click the Support URL in the email invitation.
- When your web browser opens, you will either be prompted to download and run the 'helper' application, or be launched immediately into session.
What are the system requirements for joining a session?
System requirements for the customer desktop application can be found here.
Where can I find information about optimal firewall configuration?
All firewall configuration information can be found here.
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2Share your screen
Once you have joined a support session, you are prompted to share your screen with the agent and allow them to remotely control your keyboard and mouse. You can click Stop Screen Sharing on the GoToAssist Customer toolbar to stop screen sharing and remote control at any time.
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Note: When an agent's account is enabled for session recording, an additional message, 'This session will be recorded' is displayed when you are prompted to join the support session.
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I stopped sharing my screen. How do I start sharing it again?
The agent must send a screen sharing request, and you can click Yes on the prompt to begin sharing your screen again.
I have multiple monitors. Can the agent see all of my screens?
Yes. Multiple monitors are supported when you share your screen with the agent.
Why doesn't the agent have remote control during my session?
The remote control feature is dependent upon the agent's user group settings or individual user settings, which are configured by their administrator.
Gotoassist Client For Mac
I see a message that the session will be recorded. What exactly will be recorded?
If an agent's account is enabled for session recording, all screen sharing activity that occurs during your session will be recorded.
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Gotoassist Remote Support
3Transfer files
During your support session, you can send files to the agent, and they can send files to you.
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- Click File Transfer on the Apple Menu bar.
- Click Send Files to <agent name>.
- Select 1 or more files or folders (hold the Command key to select multiple).
- Click Send.
Gotoassist Mac Support
- When the agent sends you a file, an Incoming File Transfer window will appear, with the default destination location of Downloads.
- Click Save to save the file in the default destination, or click Change to browse to a different destination location, then Save.
- When the agent requests a file from you, a File(s)/Folder(s) Selection window will appear.
- Select 1 or more files or folders (hold the Command key to select multiple).
- Click Send.
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4Chat with the agent
You can use the chat feature on the GoToAssist Customer toolbar to send & receive chat messages during your support session with the agent.
Email Client For Mac
When you join, the GoToAssist Customer toolbar will be expanded, where you can exchange messages with the agent during your support session.