Mastodon Client For Mac
The application name is Whalebird. I have released the first version, and you can download it from github’s release page. Now, I could only prepare the download version, so please wait for App.
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Sick of Twitter? Fed up with Facebook? Online abuse and NSFW content getting you down? Just want to exchange ideas away from the glare of people who oppose you?
Mastodon is the answerMastodon: What You Need to Know About the New Social NetworkMastodon: What You Need to Know About the New Social NetworkMastodon is out to unseat Twitter as the best microblogging social network out there -- but will it succeed? Here's everything you need to know about the newcomer.Read More. And thanks to its open source nature, it is possible to set up your own Mastodon instance, enabling conversation on any topic and giving your users some safety and privacy from trolls of all kinds.
If you’re not familiar with Mastodon, here are the basics. Toots are like tweets, and can be composed of up to 500 characters (as opposed to Twitter’s 140 character limit). Check our recent look at MastodonMastodon: What You Need to Know About the New Social NetworkMastodon: What You Need to Know About the New Social NetworkMastodon is out to unseat Twitter as the best microblogging social network out there -- but will it succeed? Here's everything you need to know about the newcomer.Read More to see how it all works.
What You Will Need
The following is required to create your own instance of Mastodon:
- A web server running Ubuntu Server 16.04. You can find inexpensive server accounts for under $10 a month at, although other solutions are available.
- An unused domain name pointing to the server. This means that the DNS records at the web domain’s host are set to refer visitors to the IP address of the Ubuntu Server. How this is done differs between providers, so check your corresponding documentation.
- A Mailgun account to manage sign-ups to your Mastodon instance. This is available for free, but your credit card details are required to send the first 10,000 emails. Head to the Mailgun signup page to create an account, and make sure you follow the domain verification instructions to ensure your email new/unused domain is listed as active.
Mastodon Apps
Setting up Mastodon requires three main elements:
- Docker — useful virtualization softwareHow to Safely Test Desktop Applications in a Secure Container With DockerHow to Safely Test Desktop Applications in a Secure Container With DockerDocker is a popular platform for developing and testing server-based applications. But did you know you can also use it to safely and secure run new programs on your desktop?Read More
- Mastodon — the social network itself
- Nginx (pronounced EngineX) — multipurpose web server software, employed in this case as a reverse proxy
(A reverse proxy allows a server to retrieve resources or data from one or more other servers on behalf of a client. In many cases, this is a security measure to protect the server.)
You’ll also need an SSH connection to your server. This is available via the terminal in Linux (or macOS). If you’re using SSH on Windows4 Easy Ways to Use SSH In Windows4 Easy Ways to Use SSH In WindowsSSH is the de facto solution for securely accessing remote terminals on Linux and other UNIX-like systems. If you have a remote SSH server you want to access, you'll have to download an SSH client..Read More, download and install PuTTY.
Establish the SSH Connection and Install Docker
You’ll need to connect to your server over SSH and sign in with the usual admin credentials. Once this is done, create a user called “mastodon,” assign root privileges, and switch to the new user:
Next, update the package database, and install the management tools:
The Docker repo needs a GPG key, which you can acquire with
Next, add the Docker repository to sources, and update once more.
To ensure this works correctly, Docker needs to be installed its own repository, rather than the version in the official Ubuntu 16.04 repo. This policy will ensure that happens:
You can now install Docker:
Wait while this completes. Installation includes a daemon that runs Docker when the server boots. Check the status with
You’ll see a few lines of text — look for “active (running)” to confirm everything is as it should be.
Configure with Docker Compose
Creating a new user group will save time inputting the sudo command each time you run a Docker instruction in this configuration. Do this with
Finalize this by exiting the SSH setting (exit), then log back in.
Docker Compose is provided to manage the running of multi-container Docker applications. At you’ll find the latest release version. Make a note of the number, as you’ll need to input it in the next command, substituting it for “x.x.x”:
Make it executable:
You can check that Docker Compose is installed with
The version number will then be displayed, , and it should match the version you downloaded — look out for the numbers you substituted for confirmation.
Install Mastodon
All the preparation is done. You’re now ready to install Mastodon itself. Switch to the mastodon sub-directory:
Next, clone mastodon.git into the directory, then open the location and make a copy of the .env.production.sample file.
You can use that file in a moment. First, build the Docker image.
This will take a while. Once it has completed, you can use this command to create three secret keys:
Run this three times, copying and pasting each unique key into a text editor. With all three ready, run the .env.production file in nano.
Look for the following fields: PAPERCLIP_SECRET, SECRET_KEY_BASE and OTP_SECRET. Each of these should have one of the secret keys inserted against them.
Add Your Mailgun Settings
It’s time to add the details for your Mailgun email account. Go to and click the domain. Find the Default SMTP Login and Default Password, and copy the details into the .env.production file as entries for SMTP_LOGIN and SMTP_PASSWORD.
Next, look for SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS and ensure the entry for this has a name beginning “notifications”, such as Finally, look for LOCAL_DOMAIN and add the domain name you’re using for this project.
When done, hit CTRL+X to save and close, then rebuild Docker.
The following commands will ensure data migration and asset precompiling works as intended.
These commands will take a moment to complete. Once you’re done, enable the container:
Enable Nginx
Nginx is used in this setup as a reverse proxy.
Install it with:
Nginx has a default profile, which you’ll need to delete:
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Create a new profile with
Next, you’ll need to create a symbolic link for the profile to be accessed:
You then have a configuration file to copy into the text editor. Visit this Github page and copy the contents, then paste into
With the file open, find every instance of and replace it with the domain name you’re using. Make sure you omit the “www”.
Hit CTRL+X to save and exit.
Get an SSL Certificate and Run Mastodon!
You’re now within sight of launching your Mastodon instance and creating your own social network. But for it to be trusted, you’ll need an SSL certificate.
Begin by installing the certbot PPA, and then certbot itself:
Next, stop Nginx so that the SSL certificates can be generated.
Follow this with the below command, substituting with your own domain name.
Follow the prompts to complete the process. When you’re done, return to the mastodon directory:
The next step is to stop Docker temporarily:
We’re nearly done — just run these commands in turn:
Wait while these commands complete, then bring Nginx back up:
Now, if everything has run okay, you should be able to open your browser window and head to the new Mastodon instance to see it working!
Any problems here, sadly, will mean repeating what you’ve done so far. If the .env.production is all correct, and Mailgun is working, then simply continue the steps following the last save of .env.production.Note that if your domain isn’t correctly configured with your domain registrar, and with Mailgun, then you won’t be able to run Mastodon until these problems are resolved.
Note that if your domain isn’t correctly configured with your domain registrar, and with Mailgun, then you won’t be able to run Mastodon until these problems are resolved.
You’re Up and Running: Automate Tasks and Administer Mastodon
We’re tantalizingly close to the end now. Just a few more minutes and you’ll be able to publicize your Mastodon instance.
Certain tasks need to be automated. Go to the mastodon directory, and create a new directory for the cron jobs — instructions that run at a predetermined time.
In the text file, add:
Exit with CTRL + Y, then input:
The crontab file — a sort of controlling index of all scheduled (cron) scripts – will open. Input this line at the end:
Press CTRL + X to save and exit.
Refresh the SSL
Although the SSL certificate is set up, it will expire after 90 days. The solution is a cron job that auto-renews the certificate. Input
…then scroll to the end of the file and add these to lines:
Again, press CTRL + X to save and exit; the instruction will renew a certificate over 60 days old, at 1am on a Monday. It will then reload Nginx.
Mastodon Administration
Everything is now ready. Anyone can head to your Mastodon instance to sign up and start sending their toots. This includes you — but of course, you’ll need an account with elevated permissions. Begin by creating your account and clicking the link in the confirmation email.
Next, return to the mastodon subdirectory:
Use this command to elevate your username to admin level:
Head back to Mastodon in the browser window, and access your account Preferences. Find the Administration link to view user accounts, and manage the Mastodon Site Settings, which includes things like the title and description, and the purpose/topic of the instance.
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Your Own Social Network, Discussing Your Topics!
Twitter has come under fireHow Social Media Platforms Battle ExtremistsHow Social Media Platforms Battle ExtremistsSocial media networks present a powerful tool to terrorist groups, primarily for propaganda and recruitment. So what are Facebook and Twitter doing about this? How can social networks combat terrorism?Read More in recent months for its slowness in dealing with cyberbullying, and the proliferation of accounts promoting and glorifying Islamic extremism. Facebook, meanwhile, continues to be a privacy nightmareFacebook Privacy: 25 Things The Social Network Knows About YouFacebook Privacy: 25 Things The Social Network Knows About YouFacebook knows a surprising amount about us – information we willingly volunteer. From that information you can be slotted into a demographic, your 'likes' recorded and relationships monitored. Here are 25 things Facebook knows about..Read More.
Vmware Horizon Client For Mac
To deal with this, you could join Mastodon. We think you should, as you’ll at least see how things can be done differently. And if you like it, why not install your own instance?
Have you tried Mastodon? Did you set up your own instance? Tell us how it went.