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Set up Dictation
Top 5 Google Voice Desktop App Client for Mac, Linux & Windows Google Voice is a very powerful service offered by Google to Gmail users all over the world but more frequently in US and Canada. It is a tremendous service that allows you to monitor and customize all your phones such as office phone, home phone, and mobile, etc. Via the same. Mar 27, 2016 A: You can right click an individual then select voice chat to open a voice channel interface which has a text option on the left and voice chat list on the right. Then in the Voice Channel interface select the headphone icon at the top right to chat. It was buggy, had no voice equalization, and was typically filled with obnoxious individuals talking/breathing as loudly as they possibly could. When you consider that Ventrilo was a very popular voice chat system already in place for any guild that needed voice chat, the WoW voice chat was basically doomed from the get-go.
Choose Apple () menu > System Preferences, click Keyboard, then click Dictation. Turn on Dictation and choose from these Dictation options:
- Choose whether to use Enhanced Dictation, which lets you use dictation when you're not connected to the Internet.
- Choose your language and dialect. Some languages, such as English, have multiple dialects.
- Choose the keyboard shortcut you will use to start start dictating.
- Choose your preferred microphone from the pop-up menu below the microphone icon.
In macOS Sierra, you can ask Siri to “turn on Dictation” for you. Siri isn't the same as Dictation, but you can ask Siri to compose short messages, such as email and text messages.
Use Dictation
- Go to a document or other text field and place the insertion point where you want your dictated text to appear.
- Press the keyboard shortcut for starting dictation, or choose Edit > Start Dictation. The default shortcut is Fn Fn (press the Fn key twice).
When your Mac is listening, it displays a microphone to the left or right of the page, aligned with the insertion point. If you turn on advanced dictation commands, the microphone appears in the lower-right corner of your screen, and you can drag it to another position. When your Mac can hear you, the input meter inside the microphone rises and falls as you speak. - Speak the words that you want your Mac to type. Dictation learns the characteristics of your voice and adapts to your accent, so the more you use it, the better it understands you. If it doesn't understand you, learn what to do.
- To stop dictating, click Done below the microphone icon, press Fn once, or switch to another window.
Speak the following words to enter punctuation or other characters. These may vary by language or dialect.
- apostrophe '
- open bracket [
- close bracket ]
- open parenthesis (
- close parenthesis )
- open brace {
- close brace }
- open angle bracket <
- close angle bracket >
- colon :
- comma ,
- dash -
- ellipsis …
- exclamation mark !
- hyphen -
- period, point, dot, or full stop .
- question mark ?
- quote ”
- end quote ”
- begin single quote '
- end single quote '
- semicolon ;
- ampersand &
- asterisk *
- at sign @
- backslash
- forward slash /
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- caret ^
- center dot ·
- large center dot •
- degree sign °
- hashtag or pound sign #
- percent sign %
- underscore _
- vertical bar |
- dollar sign $
- cent sign ¢
- pound sterling sign £
- euro sign €
- yen sign ¥
- cross-eyed laughing face XD
- frowny face :-(
- smiley face :-)
- winky face ;-)
- copyright sign ©
- registered sign ®
- trademark sign ™
- equals sign =
- greater than sign >
- less than sign <
- minus sign -
- multiplication sign x
- plus sign +
- caps on (formats next phrase in title case)
- caps off (resumes default letter case)
- all caps (formats next word in ALL CAPS)
- all caps on (proceeds in ALL CAPS)
- all caps off (resumes default letter case)
- new line (adds line break)
- numeral (formats next phrase as number)
- roman numeral (formats next phrase as Roman numeral)
- new paragraph (adds paragraph break)
- no space on (formats next phrase without spaces)
- no space off (resumes default spacing)
- tab key (advances cursor to the next tab stop)
If you turned on Enhanced Dictation, you can also use dictation commands to bold, italicize, underline, select, copy, delete, undo, and perform other actions.
About Enhanced Dictation
Enhanced Dictation is available in OS X Mavericks v10.9 or later. With Enhanced Dictation:
- You can dictate continuously.
- You can dictate without being connected to the Internet.
- Your words might convert to text more quickly.
- You can use dictation commands to tell your Mac what to do.
Without Enhanced Dictation, your spoken words and certain other data are sent to Apple to be converted into text and help your Mac understand what you mean. As a result, your Mac must be connected to the Internet, your words might not convert to text as quickly, and you can speak for no more than 40 seconds at a time (30 seconds in OS X Yosemite or earlier).
If you're on a business or school network that uses a proxy server, Dictation might not be able to connect to the Internet. Best mac email client for gmail. Have your network administrator refer to the list of network ports used by Apple software products.
About Dictation and privacy
To learn about Dictation and privacy, choose Apple () menu > System Preferences, click Keyboard, click Dictation, then click the About Dictation & Privacy button. Best email client for multiple accounts mac miller. At all times, information collected by Apple is treated in accordance with Apple’s Privacy Policy.
Learn more
- To use dictation on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, tap the microphone on the onscreen keyboard, then speak. Consult your iPhone or iPad user guide for details.
- If the Slow Keys or Sticky Keys feature is turned on in the Accessibility pane of System Preferences, the default keyboard shortcuts for dictation might not work. If you need to use those accessibility features, create a custom dictation shortcut: Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Keyboard, click Dictation, then choose “Customize” from the Shortcut menu.
Despite the integration of Google Voice into Hangout SMS, the importance of Google Voice hasn’t gone down, and there are many fans of Google Voice who still love to call or SMS their favorite contacts using it on the web.
Since there is no official desktop client for Google Voice(except Chrome extension), so you need to keep your Google Voice web page open in browser to receive notifications, which is quite irritating as if you mistakenly closed the Google Voice web page, you lose connection to your all important friends, family and coworkers, etc. Though some Google voice desktop notification apps help you overcome this difficulty and make you able to access Google voice very conveniently, certainly there are not many Google voice desktop app clients available.
To make it easier to make free voice & video calls, send text SMS and voice mailbox via Google Voice, we have compiled an exclusive list of top 5 Google Voice Desktop App Clients for you to access Google Voice via desktop app client on your Mac, Windows or even Linux.
- The Pro Review from TechReviewPro
Google Voice Client For Windows
Top 5 Google Voice Desktop App Client for Mac, Linux & Windows
Google Voice is a very powerful service offered by Google to Gmail users all over the world but more frequently in US and Canada. It is a tremendous service that allows you to monitor and customize all your phones such as office phone, home phone, and mobile, etc. via the same Google voice number.
The allotted Google Voice number is so powerful that it works even if you change your network location. It is a kind of regular number on which your friends, family, and coworkers can call you without getting confused about whether to call on office number, home or cell phone as the same number can be accessed everywhere. It is like having a cloud system of your phone number.
So here we go with our list of Top 5 Google Voice Desktop App Clients.
1. GVnotifier – Best Google Voice Desktop Client for Windows
GVnotifier is a very powerful desktop client app for Windows users that brings Google Voice right to your desktop. Now you can quickly send and receive the message, read or listen to voice mails as well as connect people via calls and much more very easily and efficiently using GVnotifier.
It notifies you instantly on your desktop when new notification of calls, message, voice mailbox, etc. arrives. You can not only access your full contact book with photos on your desktop but also see your call history to know calls received, missed and dialed, etc. It is a very effective way to access Google Voice on your windows desktop.
2. VoiceMac – Best Google Voice Desktop Notification App for Mac
VoiceMac is first Google Voice client for Mac. It allows you to send multiple SMS messages, receive messages, voice mailbox as well as call others and receive calls from them. You can also access your full contact book on your Mac computer and know your call history as it comes with the pre-loaded feature of checking dialed calls, received and missed calls right through call history section.
VoiceMac is a superb desktop client for Mac that comes with easy to use interface. When any call, SMS or voice mail arrives, you simply get a quick notification via Growl and hear sounds that are customizable also.
3. GrowlVoice – Another Good Desktop Client Option for Mac Users
GrowlVoice is yet another cool Google Voice desktop client for Mac users with some very powerful features. GrowlVoice enables you to quickly manage your inbox by sorting your messages by type, search, star, archive, mark as read and much more.
It provides a simple chat interface via the menu bar. It provides instant notifications of your call, messages and voice mail. You can also customize it by changing themes to make it look much more attractive. It is a premium desktop client for Mac that provides a 3-week trial to every user; you can buy full features at $4.99 only.
4. Google Voice Notifier – Best Desktop App to Access Google Voice on Linux
Google Voice Notifier is a system tray notifier for Google Voice that notifies you about your unread messages, voice mails, etc. instantly on your Linux desktop. In fact, it is not only for Linux desktops but also for any other Java supported system as the project is primarily written in Java and uses Google Voice’s REST service calls.
The latest version of Google Voice Notifier desktop client has even got smarter with the inclusion of proxy support and ability to check updates automatically. However, the upcoming version is planned to include support for sound when receiving a message also.
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5. Google Voice (by Google) – Chrome Extension to Stay Connected on Chrome Browser
Google Voice (by Google) is a desktop notifier chrome extension for your Chrome browser that allows you to stay connected with your Google Voice contacts. Now you can make calls, send SMS, preview Inbox, and get notified of new messages right through your Chrome browser on your desktop easily.
It is a Chrome extension developed by Google team that adds a button to your toolbar through which you get notified about all notifications and activities of your Google Voice account.
Nov 14, 2018 Skype for Business on Mac is the all new client that provides great communication experiences for Apple users. Features like one-click join, edge-to-edge video, and full screen sharing give you a superior Skype Meetings experience. How can the answer be improved? Download Skype for your computer, mobile, or tablet to stay in touch with family and friends from anywhere. The new client is, I’d say, a fair and equitable companion to the Windows Skype for Business client. There are some differences, and (as of now) a few limitations. But overall, I think our Mac customers will enjoy this client very much.
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The Pro Review from TechReviewPro
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Google Voice desktop notifier apps are a great way to stay connected with your Google Voice account on Desktop without letting your web page opened in the browser. So here concludes our list of top 5 best Google Voice Desktop Apps clients.
Hope this post will help you to choose your perfect desktop client for accessing Google Voice. Did I miss any? Use the comment box below to add it. 🙂 Also, let me know your favorite Google Voice desktop app client.